Dashboard Overview
From the Dashboard view your Top Selling Products, Sales - Last 12 Months, Top Customers, Outstanding Accounts, and Credit Receivables. You can even choose to display the Dashboard by default when first signing into Boulevard (To display after signing in, select the Show Dashboard option from the Business Info tab in Preferences.).
To access the Dashboard, from the sidebar navigation, clickBusiness Tools, then Dashboard.
Top Selling Products
Displays your top-selling products. Double-click on a row to open the Product List.
Sales-Last 12 Months
Displays your sales for the past 12 months in a bar chart which can be printed or exported as an image (png or jpeg), PDF, or SVG file type.
Top Customers
Displays your top customers for the past 12 months (The Reward column will only appear if Rewards are being tracked). Double-click on a row to open the contact's profile or view additional invoice information for each contact from the Invoice Log.
Outstanding Accounts
Displays any contacts that have an outstanding balance along with their last invoice date and the amount owed. Double-click on a row to open the contact's profile.
Credit Receivables
Contacts that have chosen to pay by credit card, but have not yet been processed or recorded in Credit Receivables will be displayed along with their last invoice date and the amount owed. Double-click on any row to open Credit Receivables.