Filter Invoice Log for Invoices with Shipping
The Gross Receipts Report (Personal Sales) report will give the total amount you charged for shipping on invoices. The Invoice log can be filtered to view which individual invoices had shipping.
- From the sidebar navigation, click
Business Tools, then Invoice Log.
- From the toolbar, click
and select Filter.
- From the Date Range filter, select from one of the quick pick options or choose Custom and set your desired range.
- From the filter slideout, select Has Shipping.
- To print as a tabular report, from the toolbar, click
then select Print.
- From the print preview form, click
to print, or click
to export and save as another file type such as PDF.
Tip: If necessary, to view the shipping amounts for each invoice and a total for all, before printing, from the toolbar, click then select Column Chooser. From the Customization pop-up, select Shipping from the options given. When finished, click X to close.