Email an Invoice
There are 3 quick ways to email invoices through Boulevard. You'll need to ensure that you have entered your email in the Email Address field under the Email Settings section in Preferences before proceeding. Additionally, if you use ProPay to process credit card transactions, you can also send a Send Direct Payment Link to accept payments.
Note: To help ensure recipients receive your email, messages will display your First and Last name from Preferences as the sender, but will be sent from You can recommend that they add to their address book/contacts if the message goes to their spam/junk folder. If the recipient replies to the email, it will automatically reply to the email address entered in the Email Settings field in Preferences.
When creating a new invoice, select Email from the drop-down (and if applicable select Include Payment Link) before clicking . You can also choose to have the Email Invoice option selected by default from the Invoice tab in Preferences.