Profile: Main tab
- From the sidebar navigation, click Contacts, then Contact List.
- Double-click on the desired contact or select the checkbox to the left of the contact, then click to open the profile.
- Select theMain tab to open, then when finished, clickto save and close.
Main Tab
- (1) Preferred Contact: Set to No Preferred Contact Method (None) by default; the preferred contact method can be selected from the drop-down list and includes Home, Work, FAX, Other, Email, Mail, Mobile, or Text.
- (2) Best Time: Set to Anytime by default; the best time to contact can be selected from the drop-down list and includes Anytime, Morning, Afternoon, or Evening.
- (3) Street 1: The first line of the contact's address
- (4) City / Town: Clickto choose from the list of previously created cities, type to enter a new option, or click to edit existing entries.
- (5) State / Province / County: The contact's state or province
- (6) Zip / Postcode: The contact's zip or postal code
- (7) Mobile: The contact's mobile phone number
- (8) Email 1: The contact's primary email address is used by default. Click to launch and compose a message to send to the email address shown in this field
- (9) Email Unsubscribe: Select to not include this contact in group email messages to comply with SPAM laws
- (10) Inactive: Select to specify that the contact is inactive
- (11): Click to add Company, Family Name, Street 2, Home Phone, Work Phone, Other Phone, FAX, Email 2, or Language fields. These fields will not display if left blank.
- (12) Next Contact*: The date can be changed manually but is automatically set when the contact is invoiced based on the number of days set in Preferences or contact Log entry
- (13) Last Contact: The date can be changed manually but is automatically set based on the last invoice date or contact log entry created.
- (14) Client As Of: The date the profile was created
- (15) Birthday*: The contact's birth date
- (16): Click to add PC Program, Wedding Anniversary*, or Interviewed Date fields. These fields will not display if left blank.
* Next contact, birthdays, and wedding anniversaries will automatically be displayed on the calendar.
This section is visible for the MK industry only and will display fields for both Summer and Winter seasonal tracking. Click to choose from the list of previously created options, type to enter a new option, or click to edit existing entries.
- (17) Cleanser: The contact's preferred cleanser formula
- (18) Mask: The contact's preferred mask formula
- (19) Freshener: The contact's preferred freshener/toner formula
- (20) Moisturizer: The contact's preferred moisturizer formula
- (21) Foundation: The contact's preferred formula/shade of foundation
- (22) Mascara: The contact's preferred line/color for mascara