Product Profile Overview
Every item on an invoice is linked to a product profile, which contains details about the item, including settings and options for invoicing. The profile features a toolbar for various functions and is divided into sections: Details, Pricing, and tabs such as Main, Usage, Charts, and Audit.
: Closes the profile
: Saves and closes the profile
: Edit the Quantity on hand along with the Date purchased, Wholesale price, and Expires date. You can also add a Reason for adjustment if necessary.
: Applicable to product sets that are considered collections or pre-packs. It allows you to view the individual items included in the set.
: Applicable to products that are considered a set. It allows you to view the individual items included in the set and split them into the individual part numbers if the set has an on-hand amount of at least 1.
: Various settings include: Sequence, the order in which the item appears in the category it is saved in. Section, specifies the type of product (2 is used for supplies or non-retail items, all other numbers are considered retail, sellable items). Customer Premium, when selected it will be included as an option to be selected after saving an invoice when the threshold amount has been reached. Discountable, whether the retail item is intended for resale (also typically referred to as section 1 and section 5). Supplies also referred to as section 2 are non-retail items not intended for resale and are typically not discountable. Fixed Wholesale, if selected, will overwrite the default discount on an inventory order. Discount allows you to assign a discount percentage that will be applied to the item when adding to an invoice.
: Deletes the product profile
- Part Number: Contains the unique part number for the item. This field allows up to 8 characters and can be a number, letter, or combination of both.
- Description: The description or item name can be up to 40 characters long.
- Category: Select the category where you would like the item to be located, or you can also type a letter to scroll to the next category starting with that letter.
- Group: Lists the type of product from a predefined set of groups. Product groups are used when creating product collections.
- Tags: Tags are another way to group items.
- Retail/Cost: This number is the total retail price or cost of the product.
- Pkg of: By default the package of should be 1. In some cases (usually for non-retail, section 2 items), a higher quantity would be entered if there is more than one item in a package that are used separately.
- Per Unit: This is a read-only field and gives the per-unit cost (Retail/Cost divided by the amount per package).
- Taxable: Indicates if tax will be calculated when buying or selling the item.
- Over-the-counter drug: Indicates if the item has an ingredient that is considered an over-the-counter drug or OTC.
- No Inventory: When this option is selected inventory quantities are not tracked (usually for services or business supplies that are a write off when purchased such as section 2)
- Ideal: The number you would like to keep on hand.
- On Hand: The number you currently have on hand.
- On Order: The number you have on order.
- Released: The date the item was originally released.
- Discontinued: The date the item was discontinued.
Displays the number sold, given as a gift or sample, and returned for the specified time frame with the ability to print.
Displays charts for Product Usage and Product Purchases.
View each transaction and where it came from within a specific timeframe.